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Freddy Sobin

Photo of Freddy Sobin - CEO of Consortio Fashion Group

The e-commerce market is already worth billions and that figure looks set to continue as technology becomes more advanced and widely available.

Consortio Fashion Group [CFG] has been a leading business in this sector for many years now, providing mainly fashion, but also furniture, home textiles, electronics, and fitness products to consumers in the Nordic, Baltic and Central Eastern European regions.

As well as operating online, the group has physical shops that utilise digital elements to create an all-encompassing shopping experience.

Freddy Sobin sits at the helm of CFG as CEO. With a background in marketing and entrepreneurship and a masters in business management, he has grand ideas to maintain the group’s competitive position now and well into the future. “Our vision is to be truly channel agnostic; not being driven by our marketing or communication channels, nor by our sales channels. I think too many e-commerce companies today mainly see themselves just as an e-commerce company and when you do that then you are defining yourself only with regard to your sales channel and not with regard to your products or customers.

“We think that these days the customer doesn’t really talk about e-commerce, m-commerce (mobile commerce), or t-commerce (tablet commerce) etc. They don’t say, ‘I am going to go retail shopping,’ or, ‘I am going to go physical store shopping’. The customer only says, ‘I want to buy from this or that brand’. I think that is really what companies need to embrace today—being channel agnostic, being in the channels where the customer thinks it is relevant for you to be in, and giving the customer the best possible, as well as coherent, experience within all of those channels. You need to be making channels work seamlessly together in the best way possible.”

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