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The stories that inspire leaders of today and tomorrow

Every edition of The CEO Magazine features in-depth interviews with a range of CEOs and high-level executives from the world’s most innovative and influential companies. We’re renowned for our ability to tell the stories of successful businesses in a way that highlights the achievements of the CEO and draws insights from the challenges they’ve faced during their career.

Our team is always looking for CEOs and executives with a story to tell – whether they have accomplished something extraordinary, overcome adversity, lead innovative programs, or inspired fundamental change.

It is flattering to be asked to participate in a profile but, having decided to participate, it is important for the finished item to get the balance right between the professional and personal aspects of a career as well as capturing the essence of the industry in question. I think The CEO Magazine achieved the balance very effectively. Ann Sherry, CEO, Carnival Australia

Does your business have a story to tell?

A profile in our executive interviews section places you among the world’s most successful and prominent business leaders. The experience provides you and your company with a number of benefits, including:

  • an exclusive interview with our writers, who will work closely with you to develop an engaging and inspiring article
  • an extensive spread, including professional photography, in our print publication, and on our global website
  • an opportunity to boost your profile among our influential subscriber base and associate your business with a premium brand
  • a chance to encourage the next generation of executives and entrepreneurs by sharing your insights and ideas.

Ready to share the secrets to your success? Contact us for more information.