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Flexible working

The workforce has changed. Gone are the days when employees were tied to their desks from 9-5pm. Employees are demanding more workplace flexibility.

flexible working

The workforce has changed. Gone are the days when employees were tied to their desks from 9 am to 5 pm. Employees are demanding more flexibility in where they work, and, thanks to the introduction of digital technology, the workplace environment has seen a dramatic transformation.

But as an employer, the question remains: should you (and to what extent) let your employees work from anywhere just because they can?

The idea of anywhere working (or telework) has been debated hotly over the past few years, with many organisations, like Yahoo, reining their workforces back into the office. There is contradictory evidence about how the new technologies are helping employees achieve a better work–life balance, and questions remain about levels of productivity and whether it is in fact helping the bottom line.

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