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How the Great Rebrand can save you from the Great Resignation

Instead of ditching your company, embark on a rebrand – and you may even reach new heights of success.

Great Rebrand could end Great Resignation

The Great Resignation. Those three words are something we’ve all become familiar with – and it’s hard to ignore when in the US alone, one fifth of people left their jobs from April 2021.

However some leaders are opting to resign from their old career habits and rebrand themselves to be stronger leaders, as opposed to adding to the 33 million tally of people who have resigned in America altogether.

Having spent the past few years working with executives and CEOs, Powerful Steps Founder Tory Archbold believes 2022 should be the year of the Great Rebrand, not the Great Resignation.

“Each year we evolve and reframe our thought process based on professional and personal experiences,” she tells The CEO Magazine. “This year is about looking at what we have, rather than what we don’t have.

“Why resign when you can step up, attract new opportunities, get the promotion you were seeking, attract the right team members, and translate those professional dreams into reality?”

Leaders willing to embrace their best selves within their careers will be on the right path to setting themselves up for a powerful year – and all it takes is a shift in mindset.

While burnout isn’t new, the post-pandemic rates are higher than pre-COVID days. A year into the pandemic, 80 per cent of employees believed that COVID-19 impacted workplace burnout, a study by Indeed reported.

As executives continue to battle lockdown fatigue, upskilling and rebranding may just be the key to emerging stronger.

“You can powerfully step up and chase your dreams by investing in your own personal brand,” she explains. “Not only will you shine a light on your own talent – which places you on the radar of the business you represent – but the teams you mentor and the boards you represent.”

But how exactly do you rebrand your image?

“By becoming visible to others, reshaping and taking ownership of your personal brand (deep down, who are you really?), and by showcasing your values, intent and purpose through a powerful digital footprint,” Archbold explains. “You might be a board director, CEO, manager, coordinator, executive assistant or entrepreneur – the title is irrelevant, it’s the power of your story that will attract the opportunities meant for you when you become visible to the world.”

Coaching top CEOs to unleash their full potential and connect with like-minded leaders, Archbold established the Business Attraction Program to help executives invest in their personal brands and step into their power – just like Alice Almedia, Founder and Managing Director of The Amber Network.

Executives are steadfast on climbing the corporate ladder, but Almedia believes the days of racing to the top have changed.

“Getting to the top was done through hard work and relationships, not necessarily through upskilling,” she says. “But what we are seeing now is many areas of business are changing and quickly growing thanks to tech advances like AI and data management platforms, changes in work environments driven by COVID-19 lockdowns, and demands for empathetic leaders.

“In order to be the best possible leader, executives need to be up to speed on everything new within their organisation (and industry overall), and the best way to do that is to continuously upskill and keep their personal brand relevant.”

For Sarah Illingworth, Group Director APAC at Universal McCann, the Powerful Steps program was ideal for setting her to make the next jump in her career.

“If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we cannot assume things will continue according to plan,” Illingworth says. “Gone is the accepted norm of working for a brand. We’re seeing the awakening of the personal brand, and having diversified skills and a curiosity to continuously learn has never been more critical.

“One of the most powerful tools the Business Attraction Program taught me was to both know and own my story – and understand the power of this. Unlocking this mindset has helped me understand how I can do the same for my team.”

Not only will rebranding yourself amplify your career to the next level, but it also will benefit the business overall.

“Everyone wants to be part of a business that invests in others, that contributes to people’s success and lifts them up, as well as shows empathy and compassion,” she adds. “Nobody wants to stay with a company that doesn’t see their value.”

Six ways to rebrand yourself instead of resigning

Reflect on your achievements

“Look at the facts and take credit for your accomplishments,” Archbold says. “Write your accomplishments down and own them.”

Surround yourself with positive influences

“Follow people you feel are accomplished and aligned with your values, intent and purpose. You will learn a lot from them and their community by simply leaning in.”

Make mistakes

“You don’t need to be perfect – in fact, making mistakes is an important step in learning. It allows you to evolve as a leader. Some of my greatest mistakes have become my greatest achievements because they have empowered me to step up and shine.”

Google yourself

“Look at what Captain Google says about you. Are you happy with what comes up? Do you believe this is going to drive your professional connections? Clean up your brand SEO so it works to attract new opportunities.”

Sell yourself online

“Understand the power of your career and develop a strong LinkedIn bio which showcases who you truly are. Use images that best reflect your style and personality. That’s right – it doesn’t have to be a forced smile in a suit.”

Reach out

“Hire a mentor or engage with others who have personally rebranded themselves. They will show you the true power of what you can achieve by focusing on your own brand.”

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