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Why does personalised marketing drive customer loyalty?

Personalised marketing allows you to drive customer loyalty by laying the foundations for a long-lasting relationship.

Why does personalised marketing drive customer loyalty?

Personalised marketing can be a make or break experience for customers when it comes to your brand standing out from the competition. And with 75% of consumers now expecting personalised communication from brands, it’s no longer an optional strategy for marketers who want to find success. So, what is personalised marketing and how does it drive customer loyalty?

What is personalised marketing?

Personalisation has become one of the top demands from consumers over the past two years because bland, one-size-fits-all communication no longer cuts it. Personalised marketing deploys individualised content to contacts through the collection of data, data analysis and the use of automation technology. The goal is to drive engagement among customers and prospective customers by treating them (and communicating with them) like individuals.

Why is personalised marketing important?

Personalised marketing has become a must-have for marketers who want to keep customers coming back and maintain brand loyalty. With 81% of consumers wanting brands to know them better (including when, where and how to approach them), understanding your customers and marketing to them as individuals has never been more important. When brands turn to personalised marketing, they’re not only giving consumers what they want, but also setting their business up for success.

Using targeted, individualised marketing offers the following benefits:

  1. Understanding your visitors better

    At the core of personalisation is data collection. By collecting and analysing consumer data, you begin to get a picture of who your customers are and what they like. This gives you the opportunity to better understand each visitor and tailor communications directly to them.

  2. Improved customer experience

    More than half of consumers will give personal information as long as they know a brand will use it to personalise their experience in responsible ways. Consumers want to feel like a brand knows them and they will perceive personalised offers as part of an improved overall experience.

  3. Drive revenue

    Customers who see personalised offers are more likely to purchase from you, meaning personalised marketing can drive higher revenue for your brand.

  4. Increase brand loyalty

    Adding personalisation to the customer lifecycle creates a frictionless experience. From initial browsing to post-purchase, personalisation improves the experience for customers and makes them want to purchase from you in the future. After all, you understand them as buyers and treat them like individuals – not merely like members of a larger segment.

  5. Create consistency across channels

    Personalised marketing means better control over the messages sent to each contact across each channel. This is important because consumers want to see consistency across channels, and when you are tailoring messages specifically to individuals, this becomes a seamless part of the strategy.

Preparing for the future of personalisation

The pace of change within digital marketing is faster than ever before. Marketers must find a way to keep up with the increasing demands of consumers and stay ahead of the coming changes. As technology continues to evolve, so will consumers and their expectations and personalised experiences will be on the forefront of those evolving expectations.

Without implementing personalised marketing into your strategy, your marketing efforts will fall flat with current and prospective customers. You can send communications to your contacts, but if they don’t engage with your messages, they won’t purchase from you and you’ll lose out on valuable revenue. Personalised marketing allows you to drive engagement and purchases by treating your contacts like individuals, laying the foundations for a long-lasting relationship.

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