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Mark Lapidus

Photo of Mark Lapidus - CEO of Amedeo

As a widebody operating lessor based in Ireland, Amedeo is determined to transform the aviation industry and educate airlines around the world about the benefits of the A380 aircraft. Amedeo secured an equity partnership with a New York-based private equity firm, Pine Brook, for the financing of its A380 order with Airbus, which was announced at the Singapore Airshow in February 2014.

Mark Lapidus, CEO of Amedeo, spoke to The CEO Magazine about what lies on the horizon for the evolving company.

The CEO Magazine: How have you transformed Amedeo and created new opportunities in the widebody leasing sector?

Mark: Amedeo did not have to be transformed. It started as a dedicated A380 leasing business, with its goal being to transform how airlines look at the potential of this aircraft and changing some of the currently perceived dogmas.

With the A380, it takes time to get the marketplace and the airlines that could use it to change their mindsets and embrace what is a system-shaker and a status-quo-upsetter. However, that is coming. The facts are too compelling in its favour.

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