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Frank Pegan

Photo of Frank Pegan - CEO of Catholic Super

When Catholic Super opened its doors in the early 1970s, it was one of the first industry funds to be set up with equal representation on the board. Fast forward to 2015 and the organisation has cemented its place in the sector, offering superannuation, pension, and retirement and financial planning services.

Frank Pegan has led Catholic Super as CEO since 2001. His background is in accounting, and he previously worked as the CFO for the Catholic Education Office in Melbourne. He says past experiences have helped to shape his management style. Growing up on a farm taught him the value of hard work, and being in finance roles allowed him to learn about, and better understand, the fundamentals of running a business.

“”The CEO role is really a lot about managing a vision, or a direction, for the company,”” he explains. ““I am always working closely with the board to set the strategic direction of the business. That’s the number one priority. And number two is then identifying the resources needed to successfully do that. That, of course, includes finding and nurturing people with the appropriate skills and who can live the vision.””

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