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Monica Lingegård

Photo of Monica Lingegård  - CEO of Samhall

More than 23,000 people in around 200 localities throughout Sweden are employed by Samhall. Of that number, 22,000 possess some form of disability. This inspiring state-owned company is dedicated to finding meaningful work that furthers the personal development of people with disabilities.

Monica Lingegård, CEO of Samhall, spoke to The CEO Magazine about how the organisation has systemically and strategically shifted its culture, values, and behaviours over the past three years.

The CEO Magazine: How did your career lead you to your current position?

Monica: I did a masters degree in business administration and then I entered the IT and management consulting business. That’s where I started off with Capgemini. From there I moved into the internet industry when it was extremely hot in 1995 and stayed there as a consultant until 2001, when everything crashed.

I then moved into a CEO position with a company called Prenax, which is an international subscription agency. It’s a business that nobody’s heard of and it has four or five players around the world but it was an interesting journey. It was a turnaround transformation. They took on a lot of money during the internet boom era and they were bleeding in 2002 when I joined.

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