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John Falk

Photo of John Falk - MD of Wet Technologies Australia

John Falk, Managing Director of Wet Technologies Australia, states that ““if as little as 10 per cent of households in Australia were to install a water tank in their home, we could generate a countrywide water saving equivalent to the Sydney Harbour. Water is such a precious commodity in Australia, and we provide products and services beneficial not only to customers but also to the environment as a whole.””

What first began as a cottage industry in 1989 has seen significant growth over the past 25 years, with people across the country turning their attention to water conservation. John says the increased demand has allowed his company to expand into various subsectors of the tank industry with its subsidiaries Tankworld, Nylex Water Tanks, Rainwise, and Summertime Pools.

A diesel engineer by trade, John had a great deal of experience in manufacturing before taking on the tank industry, allowing him to foster quick growth in his subsidiaries.

“”I was able to purchase my first franchise in Victoria in 1989, followed by South Australia and the Northern Territory in 1991, and Tasmania in 1992. By 1999, I was ready to buy out the Tankworld franchisor located in Dubbo, New South Wales, and properly begin Wet Technologies Australia.”

““As I purchased franchises around the country, I established production plants in unison, with one in Swan Hill in 1989, servicing south-western New South Wales, Victoria, and southern Australia; one in Port Pirie in 1991, servicing Eyre Peninsula and everything north of there right up to Darwin; a plant in Launceston in 1992, servicing all of Tasmania; as well as polyethylene plants in Caboolture, Queensland, and Wagga, New South Wales, between 1994 and 1995. I sold off the two poly plants in 1999 and established two new ones in Swan Hill and Tasmania a year later.””

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