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Juhani Hintikka

Photo of Juhani Hintikka - CEO & President of Comptel

Every single day, Comptel works with telecommunications service providers to manage more than 20 per cent of the world’’s mobile data. Established in 1986, the company has grown to become a key player in the software industry for telecommunications and is continuing to grow. The CEO Magazine spoke to CEO and President Juhani Hintikka about the changes he has made in the company, how Comptel ensures its customers are satisfied with the products and services it provides, and what the future holds for the industry.

The CEO Magazine: During your four years as president and CEO, what changes or initiatives have you implemented as part of your vision for the company?

Juhani: First of all, we started by having a dialogue around company values and defining what kind of company we wanted to build. That dialogue revealed four core values: Passion; Unification; Respect; Taking Action. These terms best describe what we want to be and how we want to be perceived by our customers and by our own employees here within the organisation.

One major change we’’ve gone through recently was a complete rebrand of the company. We just launched a new visual outlook for the Comptel brand and have done a lot of work around our strategy portfolio and consequently, the messaging. In repositioning the company’’s story, we have also developed a number of new solutions.

The leadership team has also seen some changes, with some new people joining us in 2011–-12. And the company as a whole has grown as well, with an injection of about 50 per cent of our total personnel. We have opened up new offices and, in doing so, have got closer to customers.


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